Statement of Commitment to Accessibility  

Think LightWeight Products is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all stakeholders including our clients/customers, employees, job applicants,  suppliers, and any visitors who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services.  

We are committed to work in partnership with staff, volunteers and the community to identify, prevent and remove barriers to participation. As an organization,  we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), and its associated standards and regulations.  

Think LightWeight Products understands that we have a responsibility for ensuring a safe, dignified, and welcoming environment for everyone. We are committed  to ensuring our organization’s compliance by incorporating accessibility legislation into our policies, procedures, equipment requirements, training, and best  practices. We will review these policies and practices annually, as organizational changes occur, or in anticipation of compliance deadlines. In addition, we will  strive to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner.  

Providing an accessible and barrier-free environment is a shared effort, and as an organization, Think LightWeight Products is committed to working with the  necessary parties to make accessibility for all a reality.  

Assistive devices 

People with disabilities may use their personal assistive devices when accessing our goods, services or facilities. 

In cases where the assistive device presents a significant and unavoidable health or safety concern or may not be permitted for other reasons, other measures  will be used to ensure the person with a disability can access our goods, services or facilities. 

We will ensure that our employees are trained and familiar with various assistive devices we have on site or that we will provide that may be used by customers  with disabilities while accessing our goods, services or facilities. 


Think LightWeight Products will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that consider their disability. We will work with the person with a disability to  determine what method of communication works for them. 

Service animals 

We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals. Service animals are allowed on the parts of our premises that are open to the public. If service  animals are prohibited by another law, we will make alternative arrangements to ensure people with disabilities can access our goods, services or facilities. 

Support persons 

Persons with disabilities may enter Think LightWeight Products premises accompanied by a support person and may have access to that support person at all  times.  

In certain cases, Think LightWeight Products may require a person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person where it is necessary to protect the  health or safety of the person with a disability or the health and safety of others on the premises. 

Consent from the person with a disability is required when communicating private issues related to the person with a disability, in the presence of a support  person.

Notice of temporary disruption

In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities for customers with disabilities Think LightWeight Products will notify customers  promptly. This clearly posted notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time, and a description of alternative  facilities or services, if available. We may not be able to give advance notice in case of an emergency disruption. 

In order to make information accessible, the signs and printed notices will be clearly laid out. They will be displayed prominently at the entrance to Think  LightWeight Products main office. 

Think LightWeight Products Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2021 – 2026


Think LightWeight Products Multi-Year Accessibility Plan is intended to outline and identify the policies, processes and plans the company currently has in place,  is in the process of developing and/or implementing or intends to develop and/or implement in response to the requirements established by the Integrated  Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR). 

Think LightWeight Products will review and update this plan at least once every five (5) years or more frequently if required.


Accessibility Requirement Action  Deadline/Status
Customer Service
Accessible Customer Service PolicyDevelop and implement an Accessible Customer Service Policy addressing all requirements under the regulation.Develop and deliver training to all staff, volunteers, and individuals completing work on behalf of Think LightWeight Products that may aid the public. Provide training to all new staff.Develop and make public a process for receiving and responding to feedback from customers with disabilities. 
Think LightWeight Products has developed and implemented an Accessible Customer Service Policy specific to the organization. This policy is updated and maintained by the HR department. All new staff are required to participate in and complete AODA Customer Service Training* within their first week of employment with the company. Certification/record of completed training is retained by the company  

Think LightWeight Products has developed and made public a process for receiving and responding to feedback from customers with disabilities. The feedback process is inclusive of multiple means by which feedback can be received, including by phone, TTY, in-person, by email and by written correspondence. Client-facing employees have been informed of and trained on the company’s feedback process.

January 1, 2012 Completed and ongoing for new staff, volunteers, and individuals completing work on behalf of Think LightWeight Products
General Requirements
Accessibility PoliciesCreate and make public a statement of commitment.Develop and implement company-specific accessibility policies. 
Think LightWeight Products has created and made public a statement of commitment. The statement of commitment is located on the company’s website and in the reception area of our office. Think LightWeight Products policies and procedures have been reviewed to identify current and future barriers to accessibility. Identified barriers have been addressed and policies amended.  January 1, 2014 Completed and ongoing. Policies reviewed annually to ensure legislative compliance.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Create and make public a multi-year accessibility plan.
Provide the plan in accessible formats upon request.Review the plan every five (5) years.
The Accessibility Plan has been created to include training, procedures, and policy development to ensure the identification and removal of barriers. The plan has been approved and is available to the public.Requests for accessible formats of this document will be forwarded to the HR Manager who will work with the individual to determine the most suitable format.This plan will be amended as required and will be reviewed fully by January 1, 2021 and every five (5) years thereafter. January 1, 2014 Completed and ongoing
Train all employees, including contract and unpaid mentees/interns on applicable IASR requirements and the organization’s responsibilities under
the Human Rights Code (as it pertains to persons with disabilities).
Training for new employees will be delivered by the Health and safety Representative within the first week of employment and includes:

  • AODA Customer Service Standards Training; and
  • Understanding Human Rights Training (AODA edition).
January 1, 2015 Completed and ongoing
Information and Communication Standard
Accessible Websites and Web Content
Ensure website and web content published after January 1, 2012
conforms to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, level A.
Reviewed standards with third party site developer and tested for WCAG standard. Current accessibility score is 92% tested using Lighthouse January 1, 2014 Completed and ongoing

Upon request, be able to receive and respond to feedback from individuals inquiring about our accessibility plan.

A process for receiving and responding to accessible feedback requests has been developed and communicated to all relevant employees. January 1, 2015 Completed
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports

Upon request, provide accessible formats and communication supports to individuals with disabilities.

Notify the public of the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.

Where a communication support or accessible format cannot be provided immediately, consult with the client to arrange for a suitable format as soon as possible.

Think LightWeight Products welcomes feedback, including feedback about the delivery of our services to persons with disabilities. Think LightWeight Products will investigate and respond to all complaints in a timely, thorough and objective manner. All customers can submit feedback or questions to:

  • Human Resources department at ext 236. TTY users can use the Bell Relay System by
    calling 711 (TTY to Voice) or 1-800-855-0511 (Voice to TTY)
  • by mail to Think LightWeight Products, HR Department, Tillsonburg Ontario N4G 2R5
  • by emailing
January 1, 2016 Completed
Employment Standards
Workplace Emergency Response Information
Create and implement individualized plans to assist employees with disabilities during an emergency.Obtain consent from employees with individualized plans to disclose emergency response or evacuations plans to the person responsible for
assisting the employee in situations where the plan requires the assistance of a colleague.Create and provide emergency information formatted in such a way that the employee with the disability can understand its contents/direction as
soon as practicable following the receipt of the request and/or becoming aware of the need for an individualized plan.

Review the individualized plan/information:

  • When the employee moves to a different location in the office;
  • When the employee’s overall accommodation needs and plan are
    reviewed; and
  • When the company reviews its general emergency response
Think LightWeight Products provides for an emergency plan for all individuals that may require assistance. Any employee that has identified as requiring assistance expressly acknowledges that they give consent to any authorized individual responding to the emergency. Authorized individual as the contact acknowledges that they understand the importance of confidentially in protecting the privacy of the individual. The plan is reviewed should the authorized individual appointed to assist or the individual that requires assistance moves location or leave the company. January 1, 2012 Completed and ongoing based on employee needs
Documented Individual Accommodation Plans

Develop and implement a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with

As per IASR requirements, the plan includes the following elements:

  • The manner in which an employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the accommodation plan;
  • The content of the accommodation plan will be restricted to only those required to facilitate the plan or supervise the employee. The
    accommodation plan template will include a section identifying the individuals that will have knowledge of the plan and will require each person to sign an acknowledgement of the contents.
  • An outline of how the reasons for a denial of an accommodation will be communicated to the requesting employee;
  • Employees will be informed of the factors that will be taken into consideration by the company when a request for accommodation is received as
    well as employer and employee expectations and responsibilities.
  • The means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that considers the employee’s accessibility needs due to a
  • The accommodation plan will be created to include a section outlining additional accommodations that are required.
January 1, 2016 Ongoing
Recruitment, Assessment, and Selection

Notify employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in the company’s recruitment processes. During the recruitment process, notify applicants selected to participate in our selection and assessment processes that accommodations are available upon request and in relation to the materials and/or processes used by Think LightWeight Products.

Should a job applicant request accommodation, consult with the
individual and adjust best suit his/her needs.

Notify successful applicants of the company’s policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

Think LightWeight Products employment practices include notification of the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities during the recruitment, assessment and selection process. We will provide supports for internal employees with disabilities and inform employees of such supports. Supports will be provided for emergency response, their health & safety as well as any on the job support required. January 1, 2016 Completed and ongoing
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees

Where an employee with a disability requests it, work with that individual to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for:

  • Information that is needed in order to perform the employee’s job; and
  • Information that is generally available to employees in the workplace. Where a request is made, work with the requesting employee to determine the suitability of the proposed accessible format/ communication support.
The availability of accessible formats and communication supports has been communicated to all employees upon hire.Employees requiring accessible formats or communication supports will be requested to notify HR so that alternate arrangements may be made. January 1, 2015 Ongoing
Information for Employees

Communicate the company’s policy on accommodating employees with
disabilities to all staff members.

Ensure that all new hires are informed of the company’s policy on
accommodating employees with disabilities.

Policy is included in our employee handbook and distributed to all new employees upon hire and to existing employees on an annual basis. January 1, 2016 Ongoing
Processes to Accommodate Employees/Return to Work Process

Create a process to develop accommodation plans and return to work plans for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability
and who require disability-related accommodations in order to return to

Accommodation policy including provisions for return to work is included as part of our onboarding of new employees and found in our employee handbook as reference for existing employees. Individual return to work plans are created as
deemed necessary.
January 1, 2016 Ongoing
Accessible Performance Management, Career Development and Job
ChangesEnsure the organization’s performance management and career
development opportunities account for the accessibility needs and plans
of employees and that these processes are inclusive and barrier-free.
Continuously evaluate Think LightWeight Products’ performance management and career development processes to identify barriers. Develop processes to ensure that such functions are completely accessible. January 1, 2016 Ongoing

Consider the accessibility needs and accommodation plans of employees
who are reassigned to an alternate department or position with the company as an alternative to a layoff.

The Health and Safety representative in collaboration with HR will ensure any disability an employee has will be accommodated should he/ she move to another department January 1, 2016 Ongoing


Feedback process 

Think LightWeight Products welcomes feedback, including feedback about the delivery of our services to persons with disabilities. Think LightWeight Products  will investigate and respond to all complaints in a timely, thorough and objective manner. All customers can submit feedback or questions to: 

  • Human Resources department at ext 223. TTY users can use the Bell Relay System by calling 711 (TTY to Voice) or 1-800-855-0511 (Voice to TTY) by mail to Think LightWeight Products, HR Department, Tillsonburg Ontario N4G 2R5 

by emailing