Expand Your Creative Boundaries with Think Lightweight

Welcome to Think Lightweight, where creativity knows no bounds. Designers often strive for minimal thickness in their designs, a consideration that can potentially increase costs. However, with Think Lightweight, this conventional constraint is no longer applicable. Our products not only offer a cost-effective solution but also allow for substantial thickness, reaching up to 3-3/8″.

At the heart of our philosophy lies the belief that we are more than just a manufacturer – we are a conduit for imagination and innovation. Over the years, we’ve been privileged to witness extraordinary creations materialize, from majestic Genesis booth project to awe-inspiring auditorium ceiling beams.

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Testing Reveals Structural Performance of Our Hollow-Core Wood Panels

Understanding Shelf Deflection: Testing Reveals Structural Performance of Our Hollow-Core Panels

Shelves are the backbone of efficient storage solutions, but their ability to withstand loads is crucial. In this testing exploration, we delve into the measurement of deflection in shelf constructions. Our focus is on a comprehensive examination of the performance of different shelf materials, shedding light on their structural durability under real-world conditions.

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