Enhancing Acoustic Comfort and Privacy in the Northern Specialty Office

Northern Specialty office, a dynamic workplace, faced the challenge of balancing open-plan dynamics with the need for privacy and noise control. Recognizing the importance of addressing these concerns, they partnered with Think Lightweight to implement a solution that would revolutionize their office environment.

Think Lightweight Tabletops for Standing Desks Tabletops for Desks Acoustic Desks Acoustic Dividers Acoustic Desk Dividers Acoustic Privacy Desk Divider Tabletop panels Tabletops

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Inspirational Furniture Ideas

In the dynamic world of modern offices and workplaces, the right furniture can make a significant difference in creating a productive and inspiring environment. At Think Lightweight, our commitment to smarter solutions extends to crafting furniture that not only meets functional needs but also adds a touch of sophistication and style.

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We’ve Moved In!


We’ve moved in! Check out our new Headquarters that feature a variety of products made in-house! The cloud of laminated beams, our over-sized custom suspended light features; the creative look and feel fits perfectly with our culture as we continue to help our customers expand their design abilities with our lightweight panels and engineered solutions! Please ask to come visit us to see the rest of our manufacturing process and offices!